Friday, December 5, 2008

Recital Time!

Dear Parents & Girls,
The Christmas Recital will be December 17th (Wednesday before school gets out). At 7:30pm to about 8:00pm (a short program). It will be held at the Elementary School Cafeteria. I am asking all families to bring some sort of finger food to share. (It could be chips & dip, goodies, or anything else you'd like to share)

As far as the costumes go. I have had some mothers ask about helping to sew them. That would be greatly appreciated. I'd like to get together this week just for 2o minutes to explain how to make the costume. It's simple and not too time consuming. Let's meet on Wednesday night at 7:00pm. Does that work for everyone? Even if you just want to come and see what the costumes will be like. Please call me if you can't make this time. I will just plan on it so please be there.

I also need to spend more time with the girls on their dances. I'd like to have two practices this coming week (Dec 8-12th) for an hour each. We will have their normal practice on Tuesday. Then there will be another practice on Thursday at 4-5pm. Again, please call me if this does not work for you. We will go ahead and have our last practice on Tuesday, December 16th, the day before the recital. Then the girls will have a break until the 13th of January. Practice will be at the same time and place.

Mahalo for all your support! I have loved teaching your girls and look forward to another year with them. Remember to tell your friends so we can build our group! Have a wonderful Christmas break with your families and see you in January!

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